Personal Injury Law Is All We Do

Ohio Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

Motorcyclists choose to ride for pleasure, economy and a host of other valid reasons. They have the same rights on our Ohio roadways as people traveling in other motor vehicles. Unfortunately, not every driver keeps a proper lookout for motorcycles. When a motorcycle crash occurs, the cyclist’s and any passenger’s injuries are often severe and life-changing.

If you or a family member has been injured in a motorcycle accident caused by someone else, we will prioritize your needs at The Skolnick Weiser Law Firm, LLC. We pursue these and other motor vehicle accident claims with skill, passion and determination to help our clients rebuild their lives.

Call Howard Now

The Skolnick Weiser Law Firm, LLC, represented a 49-year-old man who was struck by a commercial motor vehicle causing significant injuries, including multiple fractures resulting in numerous surgeries.

The Advocacy You Deserve, Every Step Of The Way

Howard on his motorcycle

Collectively, our attorneys have more than 120 years of legal experience. We have recovered many millions in settlements and verdicts for injury victims and their families, achieving this success largely through our widely respected abilities to take cases all the way through jury trials when necessary. In addition, we:

  • Move quickly to recover evidence from crash scenes, witness testimony and other critical information, enlisting qualified experts whenever beneficial
  • Are adept at countering common claims that a motorcyclist or other driver was “impossible” to see or avoid under the circumstances
  • Have extensive experience assembling compelling documentation to show the total impact of permanent injuries, a disability or a wrongful death on our clients
  • Apply in-depth knowledge of all applicable forms of insurance — including uninsured/underinsured coverage — and other viable sources of recovery

Most victims of motorcycle wrecks face long, difficult recoveries. Some must cope with life after a catastrophic head injury, a spinal cord injury resulting in paralysis, lacerations that leave permanent scarring or amputation injuries. In every case, we empathize with our clients’ full range of concerns and do everything possible to help them move forward with financial stability.

Free, No-Risk Consultation

Based in Cleveland, our motorcycle accident lawyers will welcome your call and treat you with care. To discuss your potential motorcycle accident injury or fatality claim with a personable, knowledgeable attorney prepared to go the distance with your case, call us at 216-861-8888 or 877-977-3476 (toll free) or email us now.