Personal Injury Law Is All We Do

We Protect The Legal Rights Of Dog Bite Victims

A dog attack can be a life-altering event for a child, an adult bitten by a dog or chased and injured while performing work duties, or any other victim.

Consequences can include scarring and permanent disfigurement, risk of infectious disease and more. In every case, seeking prompt medical attention is critical. In many, the next step you should take is to consult an attorney with extensive experience handling complex personal injury claims.

Caring And Determined Representation For The Injured

We take dog bite cases seriously at The Skolnick Weiser Law Firm, LLC. While establishing dog owner liability for your own or your child’s injuries can be challenging, we are up to that challenge. Applying decades of trial and settlement negotiating experience, we focus on helping our clients get all available compensation and rebuild their lives.

Dog bite law in Ohio is somewhat complex, with many nuances to consider. One important thing to know is that a dog does not have to have bitten before or be known as dangerous for a dog bite claim or lawsuit to be valid. In carefully evaluating your potential case, we will consider:

  • The seriousness of physical, and sometimes emotional, injuries suffered as a result of the dog attack
  • The availability of witness testimony or other evidence that the dog attack was unprovoked and unavoidable under the circumstances
  • Other relevant issues such as a dog’s prior history of biting others or exhibiting threatening behavior
  • Whether applicable insurance coverage or another source of financial recovery makes pursuit of the claim worthwhile for you and your family

Tell Us What Happened

Based in Cleveland, our lawyers for the injured welcome client inquiries and referrals from people throughout Ohio. Our track record of obtaining meaningful settlements and jury verdicts that help people rebuild their lives largely speaks for itself.

If you want practical, reliable counsel after a dog bite has injured you or a family member, we are here to help. We never charge for the initial consultation and case evaluation, and you can count on receiving an honest opinion on your likelihood of success if you take legal action. Simply call 216-861-8888 or 877-977-3476 (toll-free), or contact us by email now for a prompt response from a dedicated, highly experienced lawyer. Se habla español.