Personal Injury Law Is All We Do

Work Injury Lawyers You Can Rely On

Any work-related injury that will keep you off the job for a significant period can create extreme hardship for you and your family. Workers’ compensation benefits are very likely available to pay for your medical treatment, replace a portion of your lost income and cover certain other expenses. However, navigating the Ohio workers’ compensation system effectively can be an intimidating challenge.

The more serious your injuries, the more important it is to consult a highly experienced Ohio workers’ compensation attorney soon after the accident. It is common for people injured at work to run into unjust claim denials and difficulty getting the care and benefits they deserve for reasons they do not understand.

Decades Of Experience Protecting Injured Workers’ Rights

At The Skolnick Weiser Law Firm, LLC, in Cleveland, our attorneys have many decades of experience handling workers’ compensation claims and appeals before the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC). We also have the knowledge and resources to recognize when legal action against a negligent third party — such as a subcontractor or manufacturer of faulty equipment — is necessary to maximize your recovery.

Settlements that lawyers at our firm have obtained for our clients in serious workplace injury cases include:

  • A $2 million combined workers’ compensation and personal injury recovery for a victim of amputation injuries
  • A $425,000 lump-sum settlement for a permanently disabled worker
  • $300,000 in benefits for the surviving spouse after a fatal workplace accident

Get A Free Consultation

Our work injury lawyers offer personalized, comprehensive service. We know that serious injuries take many forms and can occur while performing any occupation. Whether you fell from scaffolding or a ladder on a construction site, were injured in a workplace motor vehicle accident or have developed repetitive stress injuries, we can help you maximize the compensation you receive and rebuild your life. If you also have concerns involving Social Security Disability benefits, we will address those as well.

You do not need to worry about costs when you turn to our firm after being injured at work. To arrange your free consultation, contact us online anytime or call 216-861-8888 or 877-977-3476 (toll-free). Se habla español.